Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Were you wondering?

Were you wondering where we are? We drove to Chicago two different weekends from the cabin. The first weekend was for the reception/BBQ picnic with the Olson clan. First cousin Nancy had a party for her son Jeremy and new daughter-in-law Misty.We got to visit with the other Bill Olson cousins and with Jenn and Greg who came down to the picnic from Milwaukee, grandkids in tow. We stayed with them at an airport hotel with a pool, for an extra fun time.
Grace, Sam and Emma in pool with Greg watching
On our way back to the cabin, we stopped and visited with Bob's cousin Paula and her husband Steve.  We had a nice visit, the guys fit in a round of golf and we had a special dessert that was very good.
Apricot Upside-down cupcakes - yummm!
One day, back at the cabin, we were doing the laundry at the Gladwin laundry and we had a first.  This is the transportation the one of our fellow laundry user was driving.
Amish transportation
I was surprised to see them using the washing machines.  We had seen the horse-drawn plows in the fields a few days earlier when we drove up M18 to visit with Tom and Kay Mears in Prudenville.  It was pouring down rain and 2 plows with 4 or 5 horses each were plowing a field. They were still working when we drove back south in the evening, almost dark.

Back to Chicago and the CCC Reunion the next weekend.

Linda and Claudia (old boss)

Linda, with MaryJane (Kansas City) and Diane (Wichita)

The CCC folks ate Saturday night dinner on the Navy Pier and the Chicago 4 masted tall ship used for local cruises was docked right outside our window. It was a great weekend with old friends.

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