Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Just another day at the State Park

We've done some maintenance things, today - oil change for the RV, added propane, gasoline.  We are going into Canada where things are more expensive, so we're trying to be prepared.

We had dinner last night with Kathy and Bill Emery, a beautiful evening on their back porch where we could watch all the birds that they attract to their feeders. Tomorrow Bob has a golf date with some Port Huron golfing buddies and I have a date with Shirley Rhody who volunteered her washer and dryer so I  can catch up on some laundry.  Then the golfing widows are going to lunch. It should be fun.

Some campground pictures:
Some violets across from our site.
First campfire of the trip - actually warm enough to sit out and enjoy

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